Hello everyone! Nonmagazine asked me if I would like to do an interview for their magazine in the category 'fashion blogs'. You can read the full interview on page 38. Thumbs up! It's such an inspiration for me and it is an honor to do the interview!
Name (or nickname): Cherelle
Age: 16 years old
Location: The Netherlands
Blog's url: http://www.laccherelle.blogspot.com/
Blog's name: La Cherelle
Main focus of the blog: Public diary
Date in which the blog was founded: 23/July/2010
?.Tell us what your blog is about:
My blog is about everything, but especially about my life. It's like a public diary! Most of the time my posts are based on things I've done or things that happen around me. One day you can read something about my outfit, the other day you can listen to my favorite music and afterwards you can find my biggest inspiration.
?.What drove/inspired you to create a blog:
My greatest passion is writing, photography and fashion. At the age of 6 I wrote books and ten years later I still love it! People around me told me I have to do something with my passion... I started to think about a way to combine those things and now you're looking at my outcome... I started a blog! Many bloggers are a big inspiration for me and now I want to be an inspiration too.
?. Where has this blog taken you:
Well, actually my blog hasn't take me anywhere special yet... I just love to write, I love blogging and that's what makes me happy and now I'm able to do the things I love! I think that's even more important.
?. What other projects involving fashion are you in or would like to be in:
One of my dreams is to become a (fashion)journalist or online editor one day. I want to write and I'm always full of questions. It would be a dream come true if I'm able to use that in my every day life.
?. What is the importance of fashion blogs on todays world:
I think it's all about inspiration and being inspired. You can share your passion for fashion with others, not only in your country but with the whole world. The world is open for everyone. Trends from different countries are mixed up by the influence of fashion blogs. You share, you inspire.
?. What are your obsessions or favorite items for s/s 11:
I really have an obsession for leather jackets, hats and oversized/high-waisted stuff. This summer I'm really into soft colours, like pink, grey, nude, white and beige.
leuk interview! en leuk magazine =D
BeantwoordenVerwijderencongrats! it's great mag!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenkisses from argentina!
Wauw echt heel gaaf dat je in een magazine staat! Ik ken het magazine alleen niet, is het te koop in nederland en waar gaat het over?
BeantwoordenVerwijderenBedankt voor je reacties trouwens! En dat I'm a virgin (this is an old shirt) shirt moest ik zelf ook echt hardop om lachen haha!
how awesome! :) super happy for you! and great interview!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenyour blog is wonderful! great shots! xx nany :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenO my god! Dat is echt geweldig!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLeuk voor je haha :)
♥, Ellen